Web Application Development: Ultimate Guide For 2023

May 11, 2023

Over the past decade, web app development has progressed considerably. Developers can build almost any kind of web app, ranging from static to interactive features resembling a real mobile app.

However, successful development indeed requires meticulous planning, solid design, the appropriate toolkit, the most effective web frameworks for the development of applications, and a dedicated team of developers.

Not sure how to build a web app that yields success? Look no further! Our web application development guide covers all the basics, so you can start from the ground up.

What is a Web Application?

Basically, web apps are interactive computer programs developed using diverse web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JS, etc. When deploying data (CRUD), it collects data & databases and can be utilized by one user or groups of users to perform tasks via the web. 

When talking about the term “CRUD,” it’s a well-known acronym and is a vital component of web development. It stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete. Web-based apps can be accessed using a web browser such as Google Chrome and comprise the ability to register or log in. These allow us to carry out a wide range of activities over the Internet, including ordering food, performing banking transactions, and making purchases.

Web Applications vs. Mobile Applications

Mobile apps, made for either Android, iOS, or Cross-platform, are accessible through the app store and stored locally on the device. Web-based apps, on the other hand, are dependent on an active internet connection to be used and take up resources from the device’s CPU while in use.

Types of Web Applications

1. Single-Page Applications

These are known as browser-based applications that don’t require a refresh to display the content on a specific page or make any changes to the user interface. The overall architecture is built around two layers, namely client-side and server-side. They both communicate via AJAX through communicating API requests. At JS Panther, our experts have been offering top-notch Single Page App Development Services over the past few years.

The client side handles the user interface using the browser’s aid, while the server-side manages the database, including services from third parties. There are numerous examples of SPAs such as Facebook, Google Drive, Netflix, Twitter, Gmail, etc.

2. Progressive Web Apps  

Progressive web apps, also known as PWAs, are modern software that functions and behaves just like native applications. 

Upon choosing PWA development tools, businesses can get hands-on multiple advantages. PWAs can be saved to the home screen when downloaded onto your device and are a great way to improve your productivity. Ready-to-use, they are available, native-like, and can be used offline with only a couple of clicks.

Applications like Facebook, Pinterest, Google Maps, Telegram, etc. are some of the most successful examples of PWAs.

3. Static Web Applications

Static web applications are designed to show content that isn’t fluid or communicative. These web apps are built using HTML and CSS, jQuery, AJAX, etc. 

Businesses can seek the assistance of an experienced web development company to build such programs since they have static features and can be animated with elements, gifs, banners, and videos to make a visually appealing application.

4. Dynamic Web Applications

These solutions have a more complex structure as opposed to static web applications. These programs use databases to load data and update the content every time a user opens an app. They perform modification of the content according to the request of the user using the central administration panel.

Companies prefer such solutions since they don’t require any permission from the server to display changes, so the operation of features is easy for them.


These are utilized to create the content, curate it, modify it, and manage all website content. There is no need to be a professional or knowledge of a particular programming language. There are some tools available from CMS to alter web solutions.

6. Commerce Web Apps

There are a variety of eCommerce web apps known as extensions of multi-page applications (MPAs). MPAs are highly dynamic and feature advanced functions like wish lists, online payments, real-time parcel delivery, and many more. This helps numerous businesses in the eCommerce marketplace. Its most effective example includes eBay, Amazon, etc. are well-known as big online marketplaces.

Also Read: Why Angular eCommerce Is the Best Choice for Your Web App Development Needs?

Four Examples of Web Applications

<img src='data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%20viewBox=%220%200%20800%20500%22%3E%3C/svg%3E' data-src="Examples-of-Web-Applications.jpg" alt="Four Examples of Web Applications">

1. Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a platform for marketing automation specializing in marketing via email. The company has been operating since 2001. It has a stunning user interface, making it user-friendly.

2. Google Docs

Google Docs was launched in 2012. One can create, read updates or delete documents. If you create such a web solution, you may contact a reputable web app development company. 

3. Notion

The notion is a complete, notes-taking, collaboration web application that supports markdown. It was introduced in 2016 and is quickly becoming an essential part of many small-scale companies.

4. Airtable

Many use Airtable as the “Online Excel.” It’s identical to Excel in UI. However, it adds layers of functions. It makes it a formidable database solution for businesses. Airtable is a sophisticated web application that has many thousands of registered users.

Benefits of Web App Development

<img src='data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%20viewBox=%220%200%20581%201253%22%3E%3C/svg%3E' data-src="Top-6-Benefits-of-Web-App-Development.jpg" alt="Top 6 Benefits of Web App Development">

# Lower Operating Cost

A custom web app development company can cut the overall operating costs and time to develop the app.

It reduces non-essential costs, including hiring different developers, purchasing additional equipment and maintenance of the system, updates to devices, etc.

# No Downloading Needed

Users can access these via an online link. It is completely free, so they do not require downloading them on their devices through an app store. These don’t take up any space on the device.

# Compatible with Browsers

Being compatible with all browsers and kinds of devices, Users can run them via an accessible URL. 

# Streamline your business processes

Investing time and effort into web applications could be a beneficial move for any business that requires large-scale data management. Not only can it simplify the process, but it can also minimize the demand for local computing hardware due to the cloud-based infrastructure.

# Easy to Maintain

Installing the software onto a host server grants users access through a single URL. This ensures that everyone has access to the same version of the web application at all times. As a result, you can effortlessly deploy the software while saying goodbye to tedious maintenance procedures; your system remains consistent.

# Cross-Platform Competency

Businesses in various specialties seek applications that can be developed across platforms because they realize that having a compatible app can bring them many benefits shortly. 

Web-based solutions have cross-platform compatibility, which allows them to be compatible with any platform, including iOS, Windows, Android, IOS, etc. They have the device-responsiveness capability that frees them of reliance on any operating system.

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Starting Web App Development | The Process

The process of developing web-based solutions isn’t an easy task. But, if you choose the right route, you could end up with the program you’ve wished for. This is why we have compiled ten tips for your ease.

Ideas: The initial step in any project is the concept.

Understanding the Functions: Do not overfill your application with unnecessary features; instead, focus on the major aspects. 

Planning the Program: Creating a blueprint for the application is an essential step for a successful product.

Wireframing the App: The following step is to design the wireframes of the application.  

Testing Wireframes: Check your wireframes for confirmation that you’re on the correct path to create an entirely functional web application.

Create an app Database: Your database must be clear on separating the data, the primary and secondary keys, connections, etc.

Front-end & Back-end: The front-end should be accessible to the user. Thus, it must be interactive and user-friendly.  

Testing the Application: It is important to test the solution on various inputs.  

Find Application Hosting: Now is the time to start the program, so you’ll need a hosting web service.

Technology Stack 

Incorporating the appropriate technology stack in both back-end and front-end development will allow you to develop a highly innovative, flexible, scalable, reliable, and quick-acting web solution to ensure an established position in the market. 

Learn these various technologies needed to create an effective web application

Front-end Technology: JavaScript (Angular, React, Vue Node Ember), HTML, CSS.

Back-end Programming Languages: PHP, Ruby, Go, Django, Java, Python, etc.  

Databases: PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft Access, MongoDB, RavenDB, etc.

Back-end Servers: Nginx, IIS, Apache, etc.

Some Last Words

Web application development is essential for any business that wishes to be a leader in the digital world and connect with potential customers in the upcoming years. 

If you want to enter the market with a fully featured and scalable web application, JS Panther can assist you. The designers and developers in our team are experts in creating enterprise video portals, dynamic CMS, eCommerce sites, & more. 

Boost the visibility of your brand among customers, promote your services and products efficiently, and gain a competitive edge, hire experts from our web app development company today. Reach out to us anytime!

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