How to Build Angular 13 Multi Tenant App?

July 6, 2022
multi tenant app with angular

Do you want to build Angular 13 Multi Tenant Apps? If so, you need to make sure that it’s smart to do so.

Multi-tenant architectures are getting really popular. Their ability to separate client data rather than place it in a single database is the main reason behind dedicated front-end developers using them so aggressively.

Today, we’ll discuss and develop an understanding around:-

You realize we are planning to go much more comprehensive. This means, that if you are an Angular developer, or planning to build Angular 13 Multi tenant Apps,  you are in for a lot of valuable information.

So, let’s get started.

What is Multi-Tenancy?

Multi-tenancy is when a single software application is used by multiple customers. Each customer is called a tenant. The tenants might be able to change some things about the user interface or the business rules, but they can’t change the code of the application written during software development.

In a multi-tenant architecture, various instances of an application can run on one server. This is possible because each tenant ID is integrated physically, but logically separated. This means that the software will run on one server and still be able to assist multiple tenants. By doing so, a software application in a multi-tenant architecture can share a dedicated instance of data, user management, configurations, and other properties.

Multi tenant applications can share users, displays, rules, and multiple database schemas. However, tenants can customize these to some degree.

Why Multi-Tenant Architecture is Important?

Multi-tenancy has become more popular in recent years. It is mainly used with cloud computing. Multi-tenant architectures are found in both public and private clouds, which means that each tenant’s data is separated from the others. It promotes data security.

For example, in a public cloud with multiple tenants, the same servers will be used to store data for multiple users. Each current tenant is given a separate and secure space on those servers to store their data.

Multi-tenancy is a key part of public and private clouds. This helps these clouds to grow larger. Multi-tenancy can also help organizations get a good return on investment (ROI) and make updates more quickly.

Types of Multi-Tenant Architecture

There are three main types of multi-tenancy models:-

1) The simplest model is when there is a single, shared database schema for all tenants. This is low cost for tenants because they share resources. This form uses one application and a database to store tenant data. This makes it easier to scale; however, it costs more to operate.

2) It is also possible to have multiple tenants by using a single database with multiple schemas. Tenant systems use a single application instance with individual databases for each tenant. It is valuable when data from different tenants need to be treated differently. For example, if they had to go through different geographic regulations.

3) The third type of multi-tenant architecture is where data is stored in multiple databases. This model can be more complex to manage and maintain, but it can also help to separate tenants by a chosen criterion.

Advantages of multi-tenancy architecture

There are several advantages of using the multi-tenancy architecture:-

  • When compared to other tenant hosting architectures, it is more cost-effective.
  • There are different pricing models in which you can pay for what you need.
  • Hosting providers themselves push updates. Tenants won’t get to worry about this.
  • Tenants do not have to worry about the hardware their data is being hosted on.
  • Only one system needs to be monitored and administrated.
  • The architecture is easily adjustable to fit different needs.

Recommended Read: Top Features and updates in Angular 13

Why build an Angular 13 Multi-Tenant App?

understanding tenacy

Let’s first acknowledge the fact that Angular has a pretty huge community. This includes both the permanent team who work on developing the open-source framework and people who just want to contribute for a short time.

There are lots of books and online resources on Angular 13 for developers. This means that if you choose Angular, you will be able to find developers who offer Angular development services to help with your default project. With Angular, even large applications can be quickly developed.

Angular’s schema separates logic, presentation, and application data. With this, you can create single-page web applications with a multi-tenant architecture. The $http tenant service in Angular provides communication with remote HTTP servers via XMLHttpRequest or JSONP. When you send a JavaScript object to the server, it will automatically be converted into a JSON string.

The service will also try to convert the received JSON string to JavaScript. You can use the $http service to create your own service that has more control over URLs and data.

Angular lets you organize your application into different modules. Modules can depend on each other or be autonomous. An example of an autonomous module is the Facebook login module. This can be used in different parts of the application, such as on the login and checkout pages.

Furthermore, Angular has a built-in dependency injection mechanism. This means that when needed, Angular will provide any auxiliary objects it needs. These objects will then be bound together.

We use two-way binding in Angular: any changes to the user interface are immediately reflected in the application objects and vice versa. The framework monitors browser events, model changes, and user actions on the page in order to update the necessary templates.

JavaScript code does not have to store or manipulate DOM elements explicitly. We can simply describe the desired result in terms of the state of the model, without using low-level constructs.

Is Angular cross-platform app development a fine choice?

Yes, Angular could be a great framework for cross-platform app development. It has all the qualities that justify why should you use Angular for mobile app development, such as:-

  • The best MVC (Model view controller) architecture.
  • Demands minimal coding.
  • Directives.
  • POJO data models.
  • Efficient testing.

However, it is necessary to check that you are hiring an Angular programmer with an in-depth understanding of:-

  • Angular CLI (command-line interface).
  • Development with Angular in IDE.
  • Debugging with Angular DevTools.
  • Server-side rendering with Angular Universal.
  • Hybrid rendering in Angular.

How to make a progressive web app using Angular?

Progressive web apps are web applications that use technologies to make them work like native apps. One benefit of using progressive web apps is that they work well when the network is not reliable. They also do not require installation, but they are faster than regular web applications.

Angular can be used to build progressive web applications. But, with these pre-requisites:-

  • Node.js
  • The most recent version of Google Chrome Web Browser.
  • The lighthouse Chrome extension for app testing.
  • A Google account for app deployment using Firebase.

Note: We have demonstrated the process in brief. To get a detailed understanding of PWA creation using Angular, kindly connect with our consultants.

Step 1: Create a new project

You can create a new project with Angular CLI. However, by default, Angular will generate test files that are not of use in this tutorial’s project.

Step 2: Create a web app manifest

A web app manifest is a JSON file that contains information about a web application. This information helps the web application be saved on the user’s home screen. The web app manifest also defines how the web application will look and behave when it is launched from the home screen. Even though it is a basic requirement for progressive web apps, the web app manifest can be used on any website.

Step 3: Adding service workers

Service workers are important for making progressive web apps. They help cache important assets and files, which keeps the app working even when there is no network coverage or it is unreliable. Service workers can also intercept requests and manage responses from the server among other things.

Step 4: Create the view

A view is a data structure that contains references to DOM elements. Views are associated with reusable components and child components.

Step 5: App Deployment

The service worker is important for any progressive web app. However, in order for the service worker to work properly, our app must be served over a secure connection. For this reason, we will be deploying our app to Firebase, which hosts over a secure connection.

Step 6: Testing with Lighthouse

Lighthouse is a Chrome extension made by Google. It can be used to test how well an app follows the progressive web app standard, as well as other tests.

Closing thoughts

Angular 13 multi tenant apps are the future of web development. If you’re not sure where to start with your own Angular 13 app, don’t worry. Our team of experts can help you get started on the right foot and make sure that your app is scalable, secure, and ready for the future. Drop your details and get in touch today for a free consultation call about your project 🙂

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